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Publié : 27 août 2016

Solving Mathematical Problems : A Personal Perspective by Terence Tao

Solving Mathematical Problems : A Personal Perspective by Terence Tao

Un conseil avisé d’Hugues Vermeiren

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Solving Mathematical Problems : A Personal Perspective

, commande le ! C’est un must read absolu et un digne successeur de l’historique “How to solve it” de Polya.

-Ideal for Mathematical Olympiad training
- Includes numerous exercises
- Assumes only a basic level of mathematics
- Extensive discussion of carefully selected problems

Authored by a leading name in mathematics, this engaging and clearly presented text leads the reader through the various tactics involved in solving mathematical problems at the Mathematical Olympiad level. Covering number theory, algebra, analysis, Euclidean geometry, and analytic geometry, Solving Mathematical Problems includes numerous exercises and model solutions throughout. Assuming only a basic level of mathematics, the text is ideal for students of 14 years and above in pure mathematics.

“There are a handful of really wonderful books that can introduce a young high-school student to the beauty of mathematics. This is definitely one of them. Besides, this book is probably going to be known as the first book written by one of the best mathematicians of the twenty-first century.” - Mihaela Poplicher, MAA Reviews

Tao, T. (2006). Solving mathematical problems : a personal perspective. OUP Oxford.